Have you registered to vote or are looking for information on how to vote?  Head on over to L1feVote.

Well hello there,
AI isn't supposed to be frightening. Only those weird dystopian AI engines they're building in San Francisco's crappy streets should scare you.

Anyhow, you're probably wondering how all of this works.

We'll keep it simple and easy to understand.

So how does Elect1on AI work?

1. We collect election data in real-time from local, state and federal governments, as elections happen.

Elect1ons.ai collects real-time data from public state sources and live election results. This data includes voter turnout, vote counts, and demographic information.

2. Our engine analyzes the data for chunks that don't statistically make sense or that it feels are inaccurate, based on its internal data.

Our advanced AI algorithms analyze the data to detect anomalies and irregularities. We use statistical methods and machine learning models to identify potential signs of fraud.

3. Verified fraud is posted instantly to X and to users of our application.

Detected anomalies are compiled into detailed reports and real-time alerts are generated. These are made available to election officials and the public to ensure transparency and prompt action.

We're making progress towards our epic launch. Follow along.

See The Roadmap