Have you registered to vote or are looking for information on how to vote?  Head on over to L1feVote.

Our engine is built for every American and it's built off of publicly available data provided by local, city and state governments.

Every vote doesn't matter - only the real ones matter.

For voters of any party to utilize.

Confidence in Results - Assurance of election integrity by detecting and preventing fraud, ensuring your vote counts.
Real-Time Updates - Access to real-time data and alerts on potential irregularities during the election night.
Transparency - Detailed reports and transparent audit trails available to the public.

Election officials deserve to know if there is some fishy stuff going on - don't you think?

Anomaly Detection - Advanced statistical and machine learning models to flag unusual voting patterns and potential fraud.
Rapid Response - Less than 24 hours turnaround for fraud detection results, enabling quick response and corrective measures.
Comprehensive Reports - In-depth analysis and clear visualization of data to assist in decision-making and maintaining election integrity.

And even for data analysts, just so they can get their facts in order.

Data Cross-Referencing - Tools to compare live election results with historical data and demographic information for consistency checks.
Pattern Recognition - Machine learning models trained to identify patterns indicative of fraudulent activities.
Geospatial Analysis - Visual representation of voting patterns across different regions to spot irregularities efficiently.

We're making progress towards our epic launch. Follow along.

See The Roadmap